Aristolochic Acids and a Renal Disease - Chinese Herbs Nephropathy


  • M. Stiborova Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague,
  • E. Frei Division of Molecular Toxicology, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany
  • H.H. Schmeiser Division of Molecular Toxicology, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany


The review describes an explanation of the molecular mechanism of a unique type of renal fibrosis, designated as Chinese herbs nephropathy (CHN). So far, over 100 patients have been identified, all of them followed a slimming regimen with the prolonged use of Chinese herbs. Using the 32P-postlabelling method, three specific DNA adducts derived from aristolochic acids (AA) were detected in renal tissues of patients with CHN. The AA-specific adduct pattern was also found in a ureter obtained from a CHN patient after renal transplantation. The data indicate that AA are involved in CHN providing an explanation for the increasing number of urothelial carcinomas reported in patients with CHN.




How to Cite

Stiborova, M., Frei, E., & Schmeiser, H. (2000). Aristolochic Acids and a Renal Disease - Chinese Herbs Nephropathy. Chemické Listy, 94(3). Retrieved from




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